Sunday, February 28, 2016

Running Out of Energy? by Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, DC

Running out of energy refers to a condition where you keep pushing your body to go, or you feel like you have no motivation to do anything. This is not a reference to making sure that you have eaten a sufficient quantity of food or need better goals. Low or no energy refers to the reduced function of the hormonal system to generate energy.

The job of the hormonal system is to activate your entire body and keep it going all day. A normally functioning hormonal system would enable you to easily jump out of bed in the morning. How many of you have to drag your body out of bed and get a stimulant like a cup of coffee in order to function? If you are tired in the morning and/or need caffeine to get going, your hormones are not working well.

If you experience fatigue after lunch or midday, or reach for something sweet to eat to get some energy, your hormones are not functioning normally. Your hormonal system should be providing your body with energy all day, and allow you to relax and sleep at night. If you are having any difficulty getting to sleep, staying asleep or waking up frequently during the night, your hormonal system is out of balance.

In addition to fatigue, the other indicators of a hormonal system that needs help include, sugar and/or salt cravings, weight gain, pain, hair thinning or loss, cold hands and feet and feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Stress is one of the major reasons that the hormonal system fails to do its job.

Too much stress can play havoc with the hormonal system. Ongoing or chronic stress adversely affects your ability to make the hormones needed for daily function. The stress response of the body burns out over time causing fatigue, insomnia, altered mood, lack of motivation, poor digestion, decreased sex drive, irritability, depression, sugar cravings, chronic pain, inability to stay asleep, osteoporosis, weight gain, and more symptoms.

There is a natural solution to help repair hormonal imbalance regardless of the stage of hormonal function your body is in. Various alternative approaches to repairing hormonal imbalances range from dietary and lifestyle changes to natural hormonal support. Consult a holistic wellness physician to find out more about your hormones, what stage of hormonal function your body is in, and what can be done to rejuvenate your energy.

If you feel that you are dragging your body around or have difficulty getting motivated  there is a natural solution available. Get checked by Dr. Sherry Yale, DC at TLC Holistic Wellness in Livonia, MI if you are not sure if your hormones are working correcttly or not.  Dr Yale uses a simple, non-invasive method called NRT or Nutrition Response Testing to evaluate what your individual body needs are, and what your body wants. 

If you live in any of the surrounding cities of Detroit including Farmington, Farmington Hills, West Bloomfield, Novi, Redford etc. contact Dr. Yale today at (734) 664 - 0339 to schedule your no charge initial consultation and screening evaluation to determine if your body or hormonal system need any help. Dr. Yale, DC can help find out how efficiently your body is working to generate energy and then help you change it so you have an abundance of energy. Stop being tired and call today!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Real Sweets for Your Sweetie by Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, DC

Sweets are often given to show others how much we care about them.  Show your affection by giving the gift of sweets with real ingredients. There are many different types of sweeteners available today, from natural to man-made synthetics.

Most processed foods now contain some form of sweetener. Corn is used to make sweeteners because it is cheaper and twice as sweet as table sugar. It is absorbed only 40% as quickly as glucose and causes only a modest rise in blood sugar. Corn has been altered to make high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), fructose, sorbitol, xylitol, fructose, sweet & low, sucrose, malto-dextrin, poly dextrose, inositol, and saccharin. The average person today consumes 60 pounds of HFCS, which is approximately 19% of the average person's diet.

This man-made HFCS has replaced sugar as the sweetener in many beverages, candy and foods such as breads, cereals, breakfast bars, luncheon meats, yogurts, soups and condiments. Other man-made sugars to avoid include Sucralose or Splenda and Aspartame, also known as Amino-sweet or Nutra-sweet. Aspartame is a genetically engineered sugar that has been linked to several severe degenerative diseases.

Man-made sugars are causing health issues and creating hidden food allergies. The three most common food allergens are wheat/gluten, dairy and corn. Of the three food allergens, corn is the only food that is used to make sweeteners. For those with corn sensitivities, eating sweets made from corn can be the cause of many undesirable health issues.

Many digestive issues, migraines and headaches, brain fog, aches and pains, chronic sinus congestion and asthma/allergies are related to hidden food allergies. Simple non-invasive nutrition testing can help determine hidden food allergies and effectively aid in creating a program to successfully reduce many unwanted health conditions.

Show your sweetie how much you really care by giving real sweets. Look for sweet treats that are not made from corn with high fructose corn syrup or vanillin flavoring (artificial vanilla), or artificial sweeteners. Good sweets have real flavorings, real sugar and real ingredients. Most of the better  sweets are available in local health food stores and specialty shops.

If you feel that your body is craving sugar or has difficulty handling sugar, or you are not sure if you have a food allergy or sensitivity to sugar, there is a natural solution available to help find out how sugar is affecting your body.. Get checked by Dr. Sherry Yale, DC at TLC Holistic Wellness in Livonia, MI if you are not sure if your body is handling sugar correcttly or not.  Dr Yale uses a simple, non-invasive method called NRT or Nutrition Response Testing to evaluate what your individual body needs are, and what fats your body wants. 

If you live in any of the surrounding cities of Detroit including Farmington, Farmington Hills, Bloomfield Hills, Novi Redford etc. contact Dr. Yale today at (734) 664 - 0339 to schedule your no charge initial consultation and screening evaluation to determine if your body needs any help handling sugar. 

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Your Key to Fat Health posted by Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, DC

Are Your Eating Fat?

There are good fats and bad fats. A major irritant to the digestive tract is Trans fat. These bad trans fats are used in all commercially processed food products. Trans fats take 120 days to break down. Because they take 3 months, they cause an inflammatory reaction in the GI tract and throughout the entire body.  Good dietary fats are used by the body within 18 days to make cell membranes, brain cells and hormones.  

If you want to be healthy you must eat good fat, not Trans fat. Your body needs good fat to function properly. Nearly half of the dry weight of the brain is fat, and a quarter of this is cholesterol. Besides the brain, every cell membrane in the body contains fat, and some of those fats cannot by synthesized -- making it essential to obtain these fats from diet. 

There are two fatty acids which cannot be manufactured in the body, and which must be obtained from dietary sources. These are the essential fatty acids, which are needed by the brain and all cell membranes. The essential fatty acids are found in the diet in only a few food sources: flaxseed, cold water fish, and fish oils.

These highly beneficial fats are called the Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils. The correct dietary ratio for optimal health between these two oils is 2 Omega-6 to 1 Omega-3. Yet, the average American diet has a ratio of 25 Omega-6 to 1 Omega-3.

The liver and gall bladder are responsible for fat metabolism. The liver makes bile, the ingredient necessary for the breakdown of fat. The gall bladder is a storage sac for the bile, and releases the bile as needed into the digestive tract. When fats and oils are not digested properly the body cannot correctly make or use cholesterol, make hormones or bile. 

Poor fat digestion affects the balance of hormones, the formation of vitamins, creates pain and inflammation in the body, alters skin color and texture, and causes digestive difficulties. The body must be able to digest all fats, including the essential fats to achieve optimal health. The answer is not a low fat diet, but to restore the digestive tract to normal function, so that it can digest fat properly. 
Not sure what about your overall digestive function or what fats your might need in your diet? There is a simple way to find out. Get checked by Dr. Sherry Yale, DC at TLC Holistic Wellness in Livonia, MI if you are not sure what fats are best for you to eat. Dr Yale uses a simple, non-invasive method called NRT or Nutrition Response Testing to evaluate what your individual body needs are, and what fats your body wants. 

If you live in any of the surrounding cities of Detroit including Farmington, Farmington Hills, Bloomfield Hills, Novi Redford etc. contact Dr. Yale today at (734) 664 - 0339 to schedule your no charge initial consultation and screening evaluation to determine what your Key to Fat Health is. 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Key to Health to Prevent Food Allergies

The Key to Health
The Key to Health is a healthy functioning Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract. How well it performs determines our overall health. The GI tract is a hollow tube that starts at the mouth and ends at the end of the colon.

It is in the GI "hollow tube" tract where food is digested and broken down into appropriate sized molecules. The molecules are then transported across the digestive tract membrane into the blood where they are delivered to the rest of the body. From the blood these molecules go into the cells and are used for body growth, tissue repair, and energy production.

A healthy functioning GI tract also has a very important role in prevention. The GI tract acts as a protective tissue barrier keeping toxic unhealthy materials, microbes, and debris from entering into the circulation. A healthy GI tract can effectively and routinely attack these unhealthy materials, compact them, and eliminate them from the body.

Signs of a malfunctioning GI tract could include bloating, acid reflux, belching/gas, indigestion after eating fats, oils, and/or protein. Other symptoms include light colored stools, pain on the upper right side of the abdomen, gall stone formation, constipation, dry skin, skin rashes, and pain in the neck and upper back or between the shoulder blades.

Digestive difficulties develop when there are insufficient digestive enzymes in the GI tract to cause the proper breakdown of foods eaten. When food is not properly digested it can ferment, putrefy, become rancid, and injure the lining of the GI tract. When the cell lining of the GI tract becomes injured, the protective barrier becomes more permeable to unwanted materials.

Increased permeability can then set the stage for a variety of chronic illnesses and food allergies. Various digestive difficulties develop including acid indigestion, acid reflux, leaky gut syndrome, dysbiosis, stomach burning, food allergies and sensitivities, irritable bowel, and mal-absorption syndrome creating additional nutritional deficiencies.

Food allergies and sensitivities are on the rise due to changes in the U.S. diet. Chronic sinus congestion or sinus headaches are often indicative of hidden food allergies. There are many people who are allergic to gluten, the most common component of grains, including wheat. Allergic reactions to dairy, corn and soy also are increasing, as more products contain these items. Diets high in grains and animal protein can also cause an allergic reaction in the GI tract. 

One solution is Alkalized Antioxidant Rich Water:  Alkalized water is the most anti-aging water there is. This water tastes different and hydrates the body easier and faster than other waters. The high level of  antioxidants in this water when it is fresh make it beneficial for both the inside of the body, and the outside. Drinking this water allows the digestive system to become properly hydrated, which improves digestion and reduces food allergy reactions.

Not sure what about your overall digestive function or what your might be allergic to? There is a simple way to find out. Get checked by Dr. Sherry Yale, DC at TLC Holistic Wellness in Livonia, MI if you are not sure what foods are best for you to eat. Dr Yale uses a simple, non-invasive method called NRT or Nutrition Response Testing to evaluate what your individual body needs are, and what foods your body wants. 

If you live in any of the surrounding cities of Detroit including Farmington, Farmington Hills, Bloomfield Hills, Novi Redford etc. contact Dr. Yale today at (734) 664 - 0339 to schedule your no charge initial consultation and screening evaluation to determine what your Key to Health is.