Posted on September 22, 2014 by Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, BS, DC, ND
By Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, BS, DC, ND
The essential requirements for survival have not changed.
There are four key factors that determine how long and how well you survive. Theses
are unchangeable, and essential to life: air, water, food and motion. Posted on September 22, 2014 by Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, BS, DC, ND
You need oxygen to survive, which you get from breathing the
air. Most people do not breathe deeply, but breathe shallowly. Without deep
breathing, you can have difficulty getting sufficient oxygen. This is why exercise
is important. You breathe deeper during and after exercise. Without sufficient
air, you cannot survive more than 3 minutes.
Your body is 70-75%. Without sufficient water you cannot
survive more than 3 days. It is estimated that over 80% of Americans are chronically
dehydrated. Dehydration has been linked to most major common conditions like
allergies, headaches, back pain, digestive disorders, fatigue, depression, arthritis,
skin issues, degenerative diseases and more. The type of water that you consume
influences the efficiency of your hydration. You lose ½ your weight in ounces
daily through normal body function. If you do not replace this amount with
water that can get into your cells to hydrate and flush out toxins, you become
Water that cam actually get into the cels to hydrate the body is essential. Not all waters are created equal. All the man-made chemicals, toxins, pesticides and cleaners end up in our city and well water.
The most efficient way to get the best water is to use a water processor to remove these contaminants. A good water system not only filters the water, but it also changes the water so it is more hydrating.
You cannot survive more than 3 weeks without food. Food is
an essential component to life, but the type of food consumed matters. Food in
its whole and raw form is the most natural food for the body. Processed,
manmade food with chemicals and preservatives, composed of artificial
ingredients, cannot nourish and rebuild your body. Nutritional supplements made
from foods are most utilized by your body, compared to synthetic manmade
products. The type of food and nutrients consumed determines the quality of your survival.
The last ingredient essential for survival is motion. Your
body was designed to move daily. Current cultural habits require people to sit
80% of the time. Sitting with little motion decreases the mobility of spinal
joints, and body fluids. While the heart pumps blood, lymphatic fluid needs
body motion. Both spinal joints and lymphatic fluid rely on your movement and
exercise for health. Without sufficient motion, joints become stiff and
arthritic, and lymphatic fluid flow becomes sluggish, weakening your immune
Exercise moves the muscles. If there is stiffness and soreness with movement, it indicates that the joints are fixed in their motion. Chiropractic is the simplest. safest and most effective way to gently mobilize stiff and limited joints, allowing freer motion, and reducing joint pain while exercising.
If any of these 4 essentials are non-optimal, your body
experiences stress. The stress response is an inherent body reaction that releases
hormones to deal with stress. This results in a hormonal imbalance that creates
physical indicators like fatigue, unwanted weight gain, pain, digestive issues,
allergies and more.
The solution to longevity is to decrease the stress on the
body by ensuring that the 4 key essential ingredients to survival are at
optimal levels. By fixing the cause of your body stress, the stress response
reduces, your body can repair, and survival is enhanced.
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