Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Live Food

Your health is your greatest asset. Helping your body digest and metabolize the food that you eat can improve your health, energy and vitality. There is a difference between live food and cooked food and the impact that these foods have on your health, 

Cooked processed, and fast foods contain no live enzymes. The enzymes that allow food to be digested are destroyed with heat. Live food has the enzymes that allow us to digest. We need to eat a diet that contains live food every day. It is true that what you eat determines how your feel!  The only side effect to live food and water is better health and less stress.

People with poor digestive systems cannot digest live food. Lack of the specific digestive enzymes needed for proper digestion is the most common underlying health issue people have.

The body is unable to get the essential nutrients it needs from undigested food. This creates nutritional deficiencies, which lead to unwanted health issues. Every body is different, and has different needs. The secret to health lies in identifying the specific digestive enzymes that you need that work for you.

Poor digestion also leads to food allergies, food intolerances, parasites and fungal overgrowth. A malfunction of the digestive system creates a compromise of the immune system, and increases stress. Eighty percent of the immune system is in the gut. The immune system becomes compromised when you cannot properly digest.

The key to better digestion lies in identifying the specific nutritional deficiencies that you have as a result of your food and lifestyle habits. Through specific testing, there is a way to help identify the specific digestive enzymes you need, find your missing nutrients and your specific food and water requirements. As you feel better and health improves, exercise and movement become easier, stress reduction occurs and life is more enjoyable again.  

Contact TLC Holistic Wellness at (734) 664 - 0339 to schedule a no charge, no obligation evaluation to determine if your digestive system and your health can be improved naturally. Dr. Linda Solomon,  DC, CCWFN - Clinically Certified Whole Foods Nutritionist, has specific non-invasive tests that can help determine the functional status of your digestive system, and how to improve it and your overall health. 

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